Student Services
McKinney-Vento Act
The Federal McKinney-Vento Act and Texas State Law guarantee that you can enroll in school if you live:
In a shelter (family shelter, domestic violence shelter, youth shelter, or transitional living program)
In a motel, hotel, or weekly rate housing
In a house or an apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss
In an abandoned building or a car, at a campground, or on the street
In temporary foster care or with an adult who is not your parent or legal guardian
In substandard housing (no electricity, no water, and/or no heat)
With friends or family because you are runaway or unaccompanied youth
If you live in one of these situations, you do not need to provide the following to enroll in school:
Proof of residency
Immunization records or TB skin test result
Birth records
Legal guardianship papers
You may also:
Receive transportation from your current residence back to your school of origin qualify automatically for Child Nutrition Programs (free school meals)
Qualify automatically for Child Nutrition Programs (free school meals)
Participate fully in all school activities and programs for which you are eligible
Please complete the Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) and return it to the school office if you are currently experiencing hardship and require assistance.