In accordance with Texas House Bill 3, Texans Can Academies and the Board of Trustees are pleased to adopt the College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) annual goals for 2021-2025. CCMR is a component of the Student Achievement domain measuring graduates’ preparedness for college, career, or military. The Student Achievement CCMR denominator consists of 2020 annual graduates. Annual graduates are students who graduate from a district or campus in a school year regardless of cohort. This is separate from, and may include different students than, the longitudinal graduation cohorts. One CCMR point is given for each annual graduate who accomplishes any one of the CCMR indicators detailed below, except for CTE coherent sequence graduates whom receive a half point. Annual graduates may demonstrate CCMR in any one of the following ways:
Meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Criteria in ELA/Reading and Mathematics. A graduate meeting the TSI college readiness standards in both ELA/reading and mathematics; specifically, meeting the college-ready criteria on the TSI assessment, SAT, ACT, or by successfully completing and earning credit for a college prep course as defined in TEC §28.014, in both ELA and mathematics.
A graduate must meet the TSI requirement for both reading and mathematics but does not necessarily need to meet them on the same assessment. For example, a graduate may meet the TSI criteria for college readiness in ELA/reading on the SAT and complete and earn credit for a college prep course in mathematics.
Meet Criteria on Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination. A graduate meeting the criterion score on an AP or IB examination in any subject area. Criterion score is 3 or more for AP and 4 or more for IB.
Earn Dual Course Credits. A graduate completing and earning credit for at least three credit hours in ELA or mathematics or at least nine credit hours in any subject.
Earn an Associate’s Degree. A graduate earning an associate’s degree prior to graduation from high school.
Complete an OnRamps Dual Enrollment Course. A graduate completing an OnRamps dual enrollment course and qualifying for at least three hours of university or college credit in any subject area.
Earn an Industry-Based Certification. A graduate earning an industry-based certification under 19 TAC §74.1003.
CTE Coherent Sequence Coursework Aligned with Industry-Based Certifications. A CTE coherent sequence graduate completing and receiving credit for at least one CTE course aligned with an industry-based certification. This indicator awards one-half point only for graduates who meet no other CCMR indicator. These graduates receive one-half point credit for coursework completed toward an industry-based certification.
Graduate with Completed Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Workforce Readiness. A graduate receiving a graduation type code of 04, 05, 54, or 55 which indicates the student has completed his/her IEP and has either demonstrated self-employment with self-help skills to maintain employment or has demonstrated mastery of specific employability and self-help skills that do not require public school services.
Earn a Level I or Level II Certificate. A graduate earning a Level I or Level II certificate in any workforce education area.
Graduate Under an Advanced Degree Plan and be Identified as a Current Special Education Student. A graduate who is identified as receiving special education services during the year of graduation and whose graduation plan type is identified as a Recommended High School Plan (RHSP), Distinguished Achievement Plan (DAP), Foundation High School Plan with an Endorsement (FHSP-E), or Foundation High School Plan with a Distinguished Level of Achievement (FHSP-DLA).
Enlist in the Armed Forces. A graduate enlisting in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marines.